Monday, June 11, 2007

Why We Love Kathy Griffin

I Love Kathy Griffin.

I can watch Comedy Central performers for hours and not crack a smile. Kathy Griffin has me laughing out loud within 5 minutes.

While watching her newest special, "Everyone Can Suck It," I realized what it was.

She is a non-celebrity in a celebrity world. She has a niche audience. Celeb gossip junkies like me who love to hear the inside story from someone who is just like us. It's not like hearing "sources." She was there when it happened.

She interacts with celebrities, so we get to hear how they really treat people. Not like when they're doing publicity, and are polite to Matt Lauer, or trying to convince Tyra Banks that they aren't anorexic.

She's pretty down-to-earth, and her reality show makes you feel like you know her personally anyway. Her stories about her D-List life elicit some sympathy, although, if you see her mansion, cars, assistants, and all the swag she manages to score, she ain't living a tough life.

She's desperate for publicity, but the papparazzi don't think she's worth their time. She even tripped getting out of a limo for publicity. In her act, she told the story of her leaving Club Hyde, (you should have heard of it by now) and the papparazzo dropping his camera upon the realization it was "just her."

She's funny. She's brash. She doesn't care. She knows she can get away with anything. And she does. Her performances seem natural and non-chalant, and you feel like you're having a conversation with a friend. A very informed friend.

I don't know if it reflects badly or well on her, but I've thought of similar jokes from time to time.

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