Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Daytime Talk Shows

I don't watch soap operas. I think they're for people with no lives. Daytime talk shows give off a similar vibe, because who the hell can sit and do nothing from 4-5 p.m.? Perhaps it's on for background noise. If I watch any daytime TV, it's secondary to my activity--usually homework.
Anyway, regardless, here are my thoughts on daytime talk shows.
I love Ellen DeGeneres.
People have given her a hard time about coming out on TV, but I respect her for doing that. And she doesn't make it an integral part of her show. On The View, Rosie talks about Kelli all the time, as if she's trying to prove something. It always has to be a part of the argument somehow. Ellen is way above that. And that is respectable.
Ellen's Emmy nominations are extremely well-deserved. She's approachable, funny, and has good guests. She approaches meaningful subject matter, and mixes it with useless fun. This week, she had a family whose parents are both fighting in Iraq, and the 20-year-old girl is caring for her four younger sisters.

As much as I love Tyra, I feel like her show is extremely politically charged, always talking about racism. Trying to be controversial to get more viewers. She's gorgeous, and her candor is really becoming, but she's too political. She also sometimes seems to take dumb things too seriously. She talks about things she know will get viewers- racism, body image, eating disorders...she had Nicole Richie, and the previews were of her asking her if she's anorexic. (As if she'd say yes!!!)

Dr. Phil seems to have sunk to levels of Maury Povich, which is pathetic, but is also clear evidence that the viewers determine the content. It's a sick race for ratings, which lead to higher ad revenues. Dr. Phil has dysfunctional families, temperamental teens, and the typical boot camp. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!

Oprah--I think I watched it once--when the cast of Friends was on. I don't get her appeal.

Rachael Ray is cute, but I feel she's overdone. She's too much. I'd get a headache if I was in the audience. She should tone it down a little, because it seems a little put on if you ask me.

I was kinda upset that Megan Mullally's show was canceled. She had said in an interview that she intended to show people at their best. She seems nothing like her character on Will & Grace, and I think she could have contributed to the genre had she been given a fair chance.

And what happened to Tony Danza? He seemed so nice and friendly, and down to earth. I was kind of disappointed that it was cancelled.

Finally, The View. Rosie has officially taken over as leader, but hey, she's loud, brash, and gets ratings. She creates controversy. Joy is pretty funny, and Elisabeth is gorgeous and pretty smart. Babs? I dunno.

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