Saturday, December 16, 2006

Remembering Simpler Times

At a local park, I noticed a woman walking with a walkman.

2 steps behind, I thought. iPod, Discman, Walkman.

Then I remembered my 10th birthday present. My grandmother gave me money for my birthday, and I chose to spend it on a walkman.

Back then, in the mid-1990s, cassette tapes were standard, actresses wore a size bigger than 0, and Gap was for rich kids.

Now, cassette tapes are for my car (which is from that time), discmans are big, bulky nuisances, actresses wear size 00 jeans, and Gap is just as good as Conway.

Paperbacks cost less than $6, the internet and cell phones were waves of the future, and Prada was inaccessible.

Now, there are eBooks, Cellphones with internet access, and Prada is commonground for many.
When my niece bites a hole in her bologna, she deems it a CD. Me? A record.

Those were the days.

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