Monday, November 13, 2006

Why I Love Tyra

I love Tyra Banks!!

I think I'm the only one who watches her talk show without having seen her on America's Next Top Model. I don't like modeling shows. I think they're breeding ground for eating disorders---if not, just a sucky body image.

But anyway, my friend argues that she has an ego. I agree that she tries a little hard to be down to earth on her show, but on the other hand, she's just acknowledging her celebrity status. Some celebs are just stupid about it, and just say, "why do people like me?" Umm, duh, cuz you're famous.

Besides that, though, her show makes for good entertainment. She's warm to her guests. She seems to really care about them, despite the fact that they're petty sometimes. I mean, she had a show about beauty--people who considered their beauty a curse, and others who considered it a blessing. It was shallow, but she told the people who were complaining about people not liking them because they were pretty, she told them that people don't see their inner beauty. So i guess she was kinda egotistical when she said she doesn't get too much negative press because she's nice, so people don't hate on her because of her beauty.

Whatever the case, she's very pretty, and she's warm to her guests. Her shows are shallow yet entertaining.

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