Tuesday, December 26, 2006


OMG, I am totally addicted to the train wreck better known as "Breaking Bonaduce."

It's amazing how much of their personal lives these people are willing to share with the world. It's weird because there are cameramen following them around all the time. Isn't he embarrassed in front of them, if not the millions of viewers he's managed to addict?

I mean, the guy has such a crazy histroy. Married his wife the day they met. A LONG time ago. She's been through everything with him. It's amazing. She seems pretty normal. I mean, the whole last season was their marriage counseling, and now it's Danny being kicked out of his house, and his wife threatening divorce. This isn't like Jessica Simpson buying $3,000 linen. This is Gretchen Bonaduce telling the cameraman that she plans to file papers.

Another Vh1 delight was My Fair Brady, which I loved. I watched Adrianne Curry cry her eyes out every time Christopher Knight did something foolish. Made you understand how this was his fourth marriage. It's not like he did it on purpose or anything, but he was like Ray Barone, only in real life.

She came to her senses and said there will be no cameras after the wedding, but before that, during her tomoltuous engagement, why did she want millions of people to see that? And she KNOWS that the editors are merciless and are willing to do almost anything to create drama. And she was willing to allow millions of people to see this.

What is it about these people? Doesn't pride come at a cost?

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