Sunday, May 28, 2006

Will & Grace Series Finale

I feel like all good TV is slowly leaving. However, the series finale of Will & Grace was extremely well done and well-written.

The Friends one was STUPID and predictable.

This was a little more open-minded. I also liked that the last season, they took advantage of that, and showed more depth to the characters. They provided closure by showing Karen's human side slowly but surely.

I was disappointed that they didn't show what happens with Jack's son Elliot at the end.

They mixed the humor with the serious content well, and with respect.

The ending scene with them all at the bar was so depressing. I mean, I know it was a happy ending and all, but it wasn't Will, Grace, Jack, and Karen, it was Eric, Deb, Sean and Megan sitting there. Their emotions were so raw and real. You saw through the characters to the actors and felt the sentiment they shared. Like, "is it really over??"

Sadly, it is.

I wanted to know what happened to Jack's son too. Bummer.
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