Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Friends is Missed

I'll be honest, when Friends ended, I didn't really think I'd miss it. But i do!
There are so few sitcoms on now, and most of them are about families, which is okay. I guess.
I like Everybody Loves Raymond and Yes, Dear, but that's it.
There are some, but I haven't really given them much of a chance-8 simple rules, one on one, girlfriends, Two and a Half Men, Still Standing, Listen Up! (which I assume will be canceled soon due to the Seinfeld Curse) Malcolm in the Middle (which is okay), but nothing good. Nothing oustanding. And nothing about single people, not involving kids. Well, nothing scripted, that is. Argh. That's why Seinfeld and Friends were so great. They were able to focus on the lives of single people hanging around with their friends, which, now that I think about it sounds kinda boring. LOL.

You gatta get into "That 70s Show". It's hysterical!
Friends was really great but I think there are still nice sitcoms on, maybe friendship isn't central but in friends it wasn't either it as more about relationships of all kinds.
ok, i dont really do this blog thing but im in that mode now where it's really late and the longer i stay up, the harder it is to go to sleep so i keep roaming the net....you know those nights? anyway my friend yoni has a blog (www.thehopefulfool.blogspot.com) and your friend "Lost" (as she is called on her blog), left a comment on Yoni's last blog after my long comment, so I decided to visit her blog. I really wanted to leave her a comment (b/c she kept bashing this guy named josh and my name is also josh) but it would not let me, b/c i'm not a blogger. SO tell her...uhm, to let non-bloggers on, or just tell her I say hi (eventhough youll prob think im a weirdo for leaving this kind of message, but im really not...its just late...)
well, i guess im not up as late as pragmatician here...
Seinfeld I think tops everything off, for the most part I think the reason is, cause he takes our routine things into prospective and laughs it off.
BTW nice blog
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