Thursday, July 22, 2004

Ignoring the Bullies

Throughout childhood, I was always told to "ignore the bully," and if I do a good enough job at it, she'll stop.
I've been on both sides. I've been the victim. Tried the ignoring thing. That's the crappiest advice I'd even been given. The bully knows exactly what you're doing, and won't stop until she gets a reaction. It's not like there is a secret method to getting rid of her that only the victims share. She knows it.  Too well.

When I was finally the bully, I wasn't satisfied until the kid cried. Then I cried. But that's beside the point.

The bully needs a reaction. Her mission is not accomplished until she gets a tear, a shout, a pout, anything!! Ignoring her just makes her try harder. She'll get rough and tough. She'll push exactly the right buttons just to get you. She'll go as far as to tease you about the most sensitive issue- like being left back in school. Anything to get a reaction. So why ignore her?

My victim days ended before I was old enough to understand the psychology behind it. My bully days ended when it was just no fun. I was too sensitive.  I cried before the victim did! I felt so guilty! Now, if all bullies were like me, we'd have no problem.

I had a problem with bullies in my class. It was mostly with the guys though. If I didnt want to go out with them, they would never leave me alone and would constantly make fun of me. Thats why I just stuck with the girls in the class, because they were a lot nicer.
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