Thursday, June 03, 2004

TV vs. Spirituality

In my Bais Yaakov high school, one of my teachers presented an entire class based on the following statement: "If you watch TV, there is no possible way that you are a sprirtual person." She elaborated and explained that if a girl claims that she is not effected by what she sees on TV, she is not effected by the daily tragedies that Bnei Yisrael suffer. If the girl says she is affected by what's going on, then she is surely affected by TV. I was good. I kept my mouth shut for once. After all, she did say, "If there is anyone in this class who watches TV or listens to Goyish music, I don't want you in my class." Yeah- I'll just walk out. Duuuuhhh.
I understand that TV is definitely not ideal. We're in Galus, people. So just because I watch TV, that means I don't daven every day? I don't think about spiritual matters? I don't have a conscience? I don't have Derech Eretz? I don't dress B'Tznius? I don't value Torah? I definitely respect people that don't watch TV, but I am not interested in making that commitment.
Why is it so hard to believe that some people watch TV for entertainment value, or as an outlet from all this judgemental garbage?
Watching TV does not guarantee the absence of my spirituality or personal growth.

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