Sunday, June 13, 2004

Olsen Twins Turn 18

It's kinda sad that I woke up this morning, looked at the date, and the first thing that came to mind was, "Hmm, The Olsen Twins turn 18 today." Oh, EXCUUUSE ME! Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen.
The irony of it all? All they did to land the role on Full House, which if not for that, they wouldn't be famous, was they didn't cry when they were held by strangers.
I admit, I was even a member of "Mary-Kate and Ashley's Fun Club." Eeeww. Now I am just plain disgusted. A ditsy set of twins less than a year younger than I am have billions and billions of dollars, yet are miserable. (Check out the Papparazzi pics) and Mary-Kate hasn't eaten since she was 10.
I even had their album, "Brother for Sale" I thought it was so great. Now thinking back, without even listening to it, I remember those children are tone deaf. Oh yeah, they're adults now. So now that they official own their corporation, and know how much money they have (they always claimed to have no idea, while the rest of the world just happens to know they're worth billions each) they can do some nice charity work. And feed a small country. Bit first, themselves.

Good call-

Mary Kate was just hospitalized with an eating disorder.
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