Sunday, June 13, 2004

Movie Theaters-What's the Big Deal??

For years, I wasn't allowed within a 1 mile radius of a movie theater because my school forbade it. That's a weak excuse, but that's for another day. There were many movies released that I saw the previews for on TV, but I wasn't allowed to go. Fine. I must admit that I learned self-control, and the fact that you can't always have instant-gratification. I waited those 6 months or whatever until the movie was released on video. Then I waited until it was a 5-night release instead of a 2-night one.
I was at a movie theater today. I saw a movie that I bet I would eventually buy/rent had I not seen it in theaters. guess what? It's the SAME movie, no matter where you see it. If anything, they put raunchier stuff on DVD than they show in the movie theater. What you see at home is the same picture as you'd see in the theater, only smaller, and the sound isn't as good. So why all the talk against movie theaters? Must I launch into the whole, "movies aren't the best thing for Jews anyway..." ? No? Good. Thanks.
I understand the environment is not great, and blah also depends on which movie you get the point.

Yet... every time I go to the UA in Sheepshead Bay, it's CRAWLING with frum jews, and many chassidim. And I'm talking the whole spectrum of orthodox judaism. From the modern guys in baseball caps to girls who won't wear a slit in their skirts to the shaved head an peyos. THere's the guys in black pants and untucked white shirts, and their girls with WAY too much makes up.

So either rabbeim aren't REALLY forbidding it, or people just aren't listening.

I say, drop the illusion, because no one buys it. The rest of the world knows frum jews go to movies. they're not looked down on. just have discretion about what you go see, like most people do anyway.
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