Monday, May 31, 2004

The Elite Bais Yaakov Girl

A girl I know told me this story, and I couldn't help but repeat it.

When I was applying for a Bais Yaakov high school in brooklyn, I was told, "We are only accepting the Elite Bais Yaakov girl." The principal proceeded to list the things that are forbidden. "Girls in this school do not watch TV, go to the movies, go to Broadway shows, listen to non-Jewish music (or as the Yeshivish call it- "English music"), wear short socks, wear slits, eat in the street..." She enumerated on her fingers. Had she followed me around for a week? I'm kidding. I haven't been to a movie since 1996, (101 Dalmations!!)and have absolutely no interest in seeing a Broadway show. So I lied through my teeth (oops)- something I never do. I told her that I was giving up TV, selling my CDs, and I am ready to change. I am ready to become a new woman. Ha. She reluctantly accepted me, on the condition that I do not break any of the rules. If I would, I'd be kicked out. So I was good little citizen- wore knee socks every day, never wore a stitch of make-up...the whole bit. Ironically, though, girls that were accepted after I was showed up with full faces of make-up, toting the old, "I had a wedding last night," excuse. It's like when the cleaning lady's aunts die in their old country for the 7th time that month. How many can a person possibly have?? They wore non-uniform sweatshirts with words across it, kept their buttons open, never tucked their shirts in, and wore short socks all the time. Um, HELLO?! Elite Bais Yaakov girl? Far from it. Besides the fact that they sang P.O.D. in the hallway at one point, which realy got to me, they spoke openly about the boys they were involved with. I was never involved with boys thoughout high school, but I gained that reputation anyway.
At Shabbaton, my clothing was always criticized, although there were many girls that were less tzniusdik than I was.

Who's more "elite" you tell me?

I'm not saying my friend is BETTER than these "sluts," but given the circumstances, she should not have been looked at as bad as she was. This principal should not have told her she was only accepting the "elite" Bais Yaakov girl when in fact she did the opposite.

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