Sunday, May 30, 2004


I was casually walking through a frum neighborhood, and I noticed conflicting bumperstickers.
On one side of the bumper, there was one that proudly stated that this driver recites Tefillat HaDerech. Next to that, there was an "honor student" bumper sticker from a Yeshiva. Then, on the other side, there was a Z-100 sticker. Make up your mind, dude. You can do both, but in the privacy of your own car. What if the Rosh Yeshiva sees this car? He'll know he took in the child of a phony. If you're so proud that your son was an honor student, in a Yeshiva no less, then keep your other habits to yourself. It's a matter of priorites-do you want to win $100 that you can spend in 10 minutes, or do you want to take pride in your son's Limud Torah? Someone suggested that this person bought the car used, and simply was unable to remove the Z-100 sticker. I have seen so many that that is no longer a possibility. Nice try, though. Really.
I know this individual wants to win the $100 from the Z-Party Patrol-which I have a right to know about, since I never claimed my son to be an honor student at an extremely religious Yeshiva-but, priorities, people.

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